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You know how some people are targets for mosquitos? It can't just be me. I get eaten up wherever I go. So much so that my mom used to feed me garlic pills when I was a kid because she read some mom magazine that told her that was a good Idea. I stunk all summer.

Kept the vampires away though, which was nice. They're pesky little bugs that are actually quite dangerous and spread lots of disease to humans. We're here for you to help treat them professionally, but If you want some tips on how to try on your own, we've got some options there for you as well!

A child in front of a blackboard with chalk drawn mosquitos.

Here's How to Counter Mosquitos:

There are basically two ways to combat the pests. You can either take steps to reduce their population on your property, or you can spray yourself with repellents and by dressing appropriately. You’ll see that our seven tips to getting rid of mosquitos are all variations on these two approaches. Do these things and you will get rid of a lot of mosquitos. And If you do not want to do these on your own, a barrier treatment will help eliminate mosquitos from coming In your yard.

  1.  Eliminate standing water Rain barrels, planters, bird baths, buckets and puddles of water are all breeding sites for mosquitoes. Do your best to regularly eliminate any standing water from your property.
  2. Reduce mosquito resting areas During the heat of the day, mosquitoes retreat to shaded areas. Keep your grass short, trim your bushes and hedges, and bag up any piles of yard debris.
  3. Inspect your screens To keep the mosquitoes out of your house, do a thorough inspection of all your screens, in windows and doors. Replace damaged screens if you want to keep out mosquitos and other pests.
  4. Check for window and door seals Check all your windows and door frames for gaps and seal them up with caulking.
  5. Wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible If you have to be out at dusk and/or in an area with a lot of mosquitos, wear cool, breathable clothing that covers as much skin as possible without getting you too warm because they’re attracted to body heat. You may want to avoid black, blue and red clothing as mosquitos appear to favor these colors.
  6. Use a repellent Whenever you’re outside and the mosquitos are out, use a mosquito repellent to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Different repellents work differently. So read and follow the directions carefully on the product that you purchase. Most people agree that repellents containing DEET are the best.
  7.  Repel mosquitoes with citronella You can plant citronella in your flower beds; it’s a natural mosquito repellent. Break off leaves and rub them on your skin to ward off mosquitos. You can also buy citronella oil. Burning citronella candles and torches will drive mosquitos away.

In Summary

Take action to get rid of mosquitos and defend yourself from them. If you have a lot of standing water on your property, we can consult with you on the best approach to limit the mosquitos in your yard.